Three hungry girls looking for something else to do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Amy's personal Bio

So.. what to say? Watches the second click by... hmmm... 

Well first, my name is Amy. I am from Louisiana, and I have lived about 10 miles from my childhood home for about 30 of my 31 years. I left for about a year after high school, you know, spread those wings, but soon came scurrying back. 

I live in a small city, and my bestest friend, Megan, just took the venture out. She is back in her childhood town, which is about 30 minutes away. We make the trip back and forth a minimum of 2 times a week (the deal we have with our husbands) but usually have sleep overs that doubles our time. 
Sleepovers? Really? Yeah. Really! I am 31 and still ask my husband if I can go to a sleepover at my friend's house. Typical huh? Get all growed up to ask someone else. But, by all means, we have a great relationship, and I am happy to say that this winter, I am marrying another one of my best friends. 

David and I met 14 years ago. I was a senior in high school, and he was a bit older than me (10 years to be exact) I was his siblings baby sitter, (I know right!) and we actually met at the worst of circumstances. His father passed away after surgery not long after being diagnosed with cancer. I had never met David before, he was older, and worked offshore, so he wasn't around. I denied, denied. But this was his father's second marriage, and David always worked during family events. I didn't even know David existed. But that's okay, we look at the tragedy now as a blessing. His dad brought us together, and we found love just when we needed it most. 

Okay, enough of the mushy and deep. Now onto the fun stuff. 

My mom used to ship me off to New Orleans for a couple weeks during the summer. She is one of 8 kids, and the cousins would take turns going from one house to another, and spend time with the out of town family. 

This was my first experience with crochet, and with crafting. My "nanny" was a great crocheter, and my cousin was learning too, so of course, I had to get on this. My first few goes were hideous (we all remember those crooked lines when finishing rows) In my case, practice makes perfect, and Megan and I tried our first venture, selling our products. 

We started a booth at the local flea market, and made some decent sales, but in the end, when summer hit, it was too hot for -my- diva ass to sweat it out. We also took our love for all things girly, and started doing nails and such, but summer sucked the life out of us. Megan also became allergic to the nail system we were using, and for her health as well as others, shut it all down.

But that's okay, because we're here, strong, and onto other projects. 

We will be opening a shop on Etsy, selling out projects and getting back on track with some hard core crafting! Yes, that is what our blog is about. We are connosieurs. Both of food, and of fun. 
So here, you will be following our journey of both crafting and fun, as well as our love for food.. the healthy way. We are week one in our journey, and with a little luck, we will be here with you throughout our journey through weight loss, and all of the antics along the way. With a little help from Weight Watchers, we will be there in no time. 

About a year ago, I met Alanna, who is a dear friend to me, and now to Megan. She lives about 2 hours away, but we talk on the phone, message and Skype as much as time will allow. We make trips back and forth to spend a weekend, to cook and to craft. 

Which leads me to my next addiction. Pintrest. Lord help a southern woman on a site like that. I had a thousand posts the first month! I love it, and it has helped me to find cheap, fun crafts, both for myself and to gift to others. 

Now onto current things. I am a stay at home mommy. I have 4 dogs and a cat that I adore, though they drive me batty some days. I just moved from an uber small house into a much larger condo, which has turned me into an OCD clean freak. Dave and I have always gone the cheapest route possible while we were renting, so we could save for a house, but we figured when this oppurtunity came up, we would spurge just a little. 

So I don't read many blogs at the moment, I don't know if I am rambling about things you don't want to know. But I am a big girl which means I hold -a lot- of wind. We decided to make this site so you all would feel at home, and get to know all of us. Personally. So likely, you will not see the typical all "politically correct" ways of writing, ways of speaking, and me myself personally, will likely curse like a sailor. You might see some typos, some slang french words, and some old some southern wisdom, but most of all you will have support! 

Thank you all for following! 

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